In my daily readings in the New Testament I found myself on holy ground this last week around the cross of Jesus. One particular Scripture, and only a part of the verse struck me as I was reading. “But Peter followed him at a distance,” (Matt.26:58) I wrote in my journal, “All our troubles begin when we follow Jesus at a distance, when we draw back in self-preservation and think about saving our own lives rather than laying down our lives for Him.”
My present concern for all of us; “Are we following Jesus from a distance?” If we are following from a distance then we like Peter are just a step away from denying Him. Take time to search your heart and get back on track with loving Him with your whole heart. Close the distance between you and Him and make loving Jesus your singular goal and passion! Remember what we covenanted together during our 50-year celebration of YWAM International.

1. To love the Lord my God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love my neighbor as myself (Mark 12:30-21)

2. To seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness above every concern for my own life and future (Matthew 6:25-34)

3. To serve others for no greater reason than my love for God (John 21:15-17)

4. To take up my cross and follow Jesus wherever He leads me (Mark 8:34-35)

5. To do everything I can possibly do through the power of the Holy Spirit at work in me to fulfill the Great Commission in this generation (Mark 16:15)

I covenant before God – together with my brothers and sisters – to make these my priorities until “the earth is fulled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Habbakuk 2:14)
Love Slave
Douglas Sharpe


  1. jen

    thanks for sharing this kuya Dough. Taking notes of the covenant. Blessing to you and family!

    • Jonina Sharpe

      Your welcome! Blessings on you and your family as well.

  2. temio

    I am very bless when i read this message and one thing that make’s me amaze how God speak to me and how He confirm it. Before i found this message i was reminded of Peter the disciple of Jesus of what he has done by denying Jesus in three times, and i was reminded also to browse into the web site of YWAM Philippines which is my very first time to visit this site. Thank you for the wonderful verses and it encourage me. Be bless on high.


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