OneThing Philippines is a movement under Cebu House of Prayer. Since 2014, we have been giving platforms to hundreds of young people from different denominations to respond to the prayer movement, justice issues and missions.
It is our vision to raise up a generation set apart for Jesus. With that being said, we invite you to join us this year on MAY 18-20. This 3-day conference will definitely change your life as it did to the participants you can watch on the videos below.
You may also follow us on FB at onethingphilippinescebu or call us at +639227234587. See you there!
The OneThing Philippines Conference last May 26-28 has definitely changed my life forever.
My back story as to how I got to this conference in the first place was clearly God orchestrated. I come from a local conservative Chinese church whose main focus is cultivating its body on spiritual life and growth, so we are not much exposed to charismatic practices or should I say, the gifts of the Spirit. God has been so intentional with me when He used a new friend of mine (at that time) from another church to invite me to this conference. At first I was speculating whether or not I should go because I might not be able to make it for the 2nd and 3rd day of the conference due to other plans I made beforehand. But by God’s grace I was able to go on the first day only to find out on that very day that our outing was moved to another date and I was able to be fully present for all 3 days of the conference.
What made this conference so life altering for me is how it not only exposed me to countless altar calls where the Holy Spirit has been speaking to me intentionally every chance He got, but also because I got exposed to YWAM (Youth With A Mission), which later God revealed to be His calling for me. It’s One Thing to meet the real Jesus and be completely changed, and it’s another to actually be transitioned to another season of my Christian life where I got to know my clear purpose in God’s Kingdom. Through the OneThing Conference God gave me a new fire that is blazing now more than ever before. I have only been a Born Again Christian for 2 years but already my joy from the Lord is unspeakable. And the adventures that await for me, starting from this OneThing Conference has been nothing short of amazing. I started sharing Jesus unembarassingly to strangers; I joined the spring YWAM pursuit team on their visit to the local jail; I volunteered for a portion of this year’s Impact World Tour and got to experience how it felt like to serve Jesus unswervingly; and I dropped everything to obey God’s call for me to join YWAM’s Pursuit Discipleship Training School this fall for the sole purpose of pursuing my One Thing—Jesus.
All this purpose, motivation, and fire started out because I joined the OneThing Conference. To God be the glory!
– Christy Gothong, OneThing Philippines Conference 2016