Global Youth Outreach
Come and join us!!!
For 3 days of encountering God’s presence
and transformational teaching.
Discover your call to holiness and purpose for your community, city and beyond.

Children at Risk Seminar
Children at Risk Seminar this coming August 7-16, 2017
here at YWAM Cebu base.
For more inquires contact Lucille Hapa

Asia Family Forum
We are convinced that the family is the most important place for child training and character building,
2017Asian Family Forum is to provide a platform for family education .
Through 2017 Asia Family Forum, we encourage people who are involved in YWAM Family Ministries or family education comes to share with each other. Let’s see how the LORD is doing in the world. Which is not just in our own country but also in other nations. His work is far beyond our imaginations and wonders.
We invite you to come to beautiful Taiwan for the 6th YWAM Family Ministries Asia Forum.
Register below now through this link:
You may also follow us on website shimen-shan.emmm.tw or call us at +886-3-4711225.
See you there!

Mobile Discipleship Team
Mobile Discipleship Team is a group of young people who love Jesus
and are committed to bring Impact as they GO, PREACH the gospel and MAKE Disciples
in the Nations and to the Ends of the earth.
Mobile Discipleship team was launched last August 16, 2016 and based in Jamoral Village Bogo City, Cebu.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28: 19:20
We are called to seek out the lost, reach the un-reached, bring hope to the hopeless,
help the needy,
build up the Church,
disciple young people
and to demonstrate God’s love to everyone.
As a response to the greater harvest we simply wait on God and GO.
Prayer Points:
- Pray for more Laborers in the field Pray for a responsive and open heart for the people.
- Pray for vehicle to use for transport in visiting 4 different location
- Unity in the body of Christ as we partner with them
- Pray for the staff to have unyielding commitment and desire to serve God
- Pray for more volunteers Pray for provision in the hope village
- Pray for provision for musical instruments, desktop computer and office supplies and equipment.
- Pray for strength and wisdom in responding to the open doors
Pray for a building or bigger property for future DTS
Come and join us and you can help serve the community and bring glory to God.
Thank you for praying and supporting us! God bless you!