The Marriage Week

Silver Anniversary YWAM Cebu
Mark it on your calendar and text or call the number to confirm you’re coming so we can feed you! No confirmation no food! Come join the celebration of 25 years for YWAM Cebu!

Bukidnon Updates
Thank you for all your supports and prayers!
The Chronological Bible Core Course (CBCC) batch 2018 is recently concluded.
Now we are in the first week of Discipleship Training School. The schedules for the school’s trainings are as follows:
DTS – April 23,2018
SBCW – October 1, 2018
For inquiries, kindly contact the following details:
Andy & Ana Abler

National Bible Week
The Bible is the living book that changes lives! Throughout the centuries, God’s Word has brought awesome power to transform and shape people, cultures and generations. Even our own President Rodrigo Duterte has declared January of every year as “National Bible Month” in recognition of the “religious nature of the Filipino people and the elevating influence of religion in human society.” Join us for three nights of “Word by Heart, A National Bible Week Celebration” on January 24-26, 6:30-9:00pm.
See poster for more details.