Discipleship Training Schools (DTS)

What is DTS?

BAGUIO (September 27)

REGION: Northern Luzon

Email: dts@ywambaguio.org
Contact No: +63 975 861 1540
Web: ywambaguio.org/dts
Social Media: Facebook

BONTOC (September 27)

REGION: Northern Luzon

Email: mhirzkatamen@gmail.com
Contact No: +63 910 704 9441 / +63 905 774 0343

Social Media: Facebook

CEBU (October 11)

REGION: Visayas

Email: becerajai@gmail.com
Contact No: +63 966 741 2407

Social Media: Facebook

DAVAO (October 4)

REGION: Mindanao

Email: dtsdavao@gmail.com
Contact No: +63 942 494 9897
Web: ywamdavao.org/training
Social Media: Facebook

Second Level Schools

What are Second Level Schools?

Word By Heart (CEBU, September 13)

Word By Heart helps you know Jesus personally and share Him in a unique way by using the exact words of the gospels.

The goal of Word By Heart is to be able to retell the story of Jesus Christ in the way that his early friends did. Imagine them retelling the stories of his exceptional life, teaching, death, and resurrection.

Email: ywamcebu@yahoo.com
Contact No: +63 956 036 2484

Social Media: Facebook

School of Biblical Christian Worldview (BUKIDNON, October)

This course takes a historical look at the prevailing philosophies and ideologies that lie beneath the social and political issues of present day societies.

It encourages students to become responsible Christians in society, and to exercise positive influence wherever they work and serve. Students delve into topics such as the meaning and components of a worldview and how to apply biblical Christian thinking to contemporary issues.

Email: ywambukidnon@gmail.com
Contact No: +63 917 882 0649

Social Media: Facebook


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