Baguio News

“Let the walls fall down” is definitely NOT the favorite theme at YWAM’s Baguio Training Center.

While removing wood paneling to do some electrical maintenance, staff members noticed what appeared to be a crack in one of the concrete beams that support the structure of the Training Center’s 60 year-old building. Curiosity and concern led the workers to uncover more… and more… and more. Most of the beams supporting the second floor had separated from the concrete columns, the result of outdated construction methods and a severe earthquake in 1990. Two engineers who are friends of YWAM paid a visit, and both said the same thing: The building needs to come down. The city engineer was kind enough not to condemn the building, but did offer the strong advice, “You should probably stop occupying the building as soon as possible.” She repeated the advice several times.

Although stepping out in faith and believing for a great project was not on the minds of the Training Center staff, God has put them in a place where they will need to do just that. Removal of interior walls and fixtures is being done, and work has begun on a full site development plan. Fund raising will begin when the concept plan is ready.

In the meantime, Baguio has a full year planned for 2016, and several new staff will be joining the team in the next couple of months. As one staff put it, “We’ve got a broken wing, but we’re still flying!” There is much to look forward to in Baguio during the next 12 months.

“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” – William Carey

Baguio Training Center Schedule:

January 11 to April 8, 2016 – Discipleship Training School – lecture
April 9 to June 11, 2016 – Discipleship Training School -field assignment
July 4 or 11 to September 30, 2016 – Discipleship Training School – lecture
October 1 to December 10, 2016 – Discipleship Training School – field assignment
October 10 to December 23, 2016 – Introduction to Primary Health Care – lecture (tentative)

**Look for an announcement regarding School of Biblical Studies and School of Worship in 2016

For more information visit

IPHC Outreach

This report is from the Baguio IPHC outreach. The school was led by Luz Catbagan, and had 6 students. They graduated in September.

The IPHC outreach was a dynamic time of reaching out to people of all ages. The team taught proper hand washing techniques to school-aged children, gave HIV/AIDS awareness presentations to young adults, and read older people’s blood pressure and vital signs. When they went door to door asking people if they wanted their blood pressure read, it literally opened the door for the team to share about Jesus Christ.

The team was able to bless one family, in particular. A blind couple who have ten children; the youngest being only one week old. Being blind, the couple didn’t realize how unkempt, or even how unsanitary, their one-room home was. The team cleaned and disinfected the home from top to bottom and taught the children how to maintain a tidy home. Additionally, the mother was not able to nurse the baby because her milk had yet to come in. The team prayed for her and, later that evening, her milk started to flow. The baby would now be able to flourish and thrive, which blessed both the parents and the IPHC team.


Two Cordilleran Women Responding to the Call

It is truly amazing and rewarding for us to see how two women from Northern Luzon, both recent DTS graduates, took the step of faith to serve God overseas. Mariele Daclili from Itogon, Benguet and Rebecca Hangdaan from Amganad, Ifugao are currently serving in Siem Reap, Cambodia where Roselet Aquino, Fhokie and Hya Masigman are also working.

Mariele Daclili who was from our September 2014 DTS went to Siem Reap to help teach English in a village called “Puok” in April of this year. With her was the January DTS outreach team which Rebecca Hangdaan was a part of. Mariele’s ministry includes, teaching the young people life skills training, leading Bible studies among the women and doing children’s ministry.

The January DTS outreach team was also assigned to another village called “Mo Meang” where there is no Christian church existing. The team was burdened and prayed for a church to start in that village. Little did we know, that God was speaking to Rebecca during those times of prayer. As days went by, the desire continued to come strongly and she finally decided to go back after her DTS graduation in May 30, 2015.

Rebecca flew to Siem Reap in July and has now started a fellowship on Sundays where 20 Khmer have already started attending. Praise the Lord! She is also working as the accountant at the YWAM base in Cambodia.

Please pray for wisdom, strength, provision and good health as these wonderful women of God serve our Khmer brethren in Siem Reap.

How to Get Involved:

1. Volunteer– You can come as a volunteer staff or a full time staff. We are also open to visiting outreach teams.

2. Pray– We believe and recognize in the power of prayer. We would appreciate it if you could cover us with your prayers.

3. Give

How to Give:

1. Online – You may give here This allows you to specify the base and ministry or staff you would like to give to.




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