by Jonina Sharpe | Dec 14, 2015 | Updates
Be refreshed and enjoy valuable input through worship and workshops as you fellowship with fellow leaders from all over YWAM Philippines. Dr. Henry from Singapore will be coming again to share with us important tools we can use in our bases and on a national scale. You don’t want to miss this!
Who: Base leaders, school leaders and emerging leaders
When: Starts 2pm on January 25 and ends in the morning of the 30th
There will be an outing to Bogo City on January 29
Where: YWAM Talisay Cebu
How Much:
For those living OFF base: Php 1,200 inclusive of love feast, trip to Bogo to visit Hope Project, lunch, dinner and snacks.
For those living ON base: Php 2,000 inclusive of love feast, trip to Bogo to visit Hope Project, food and accommodation
Important Notes:
- Please confirm your attendance on or before January 15 to If you do not confirm within the said date, we cannot guarantee that you will have a place to stay.
- Nobody is allowed to leave until January 30 in the morning.
by Jonina Sharpe | Dec 10, 2015 | News, Updates
YWAM Puerto Princesa City, Palawan
YWAM PPC, Palawan serves people living in the city dump site, prison inmates and employees, and several tribal communities. This is done through regular visits, student sponsorship and by running a Tagalog DTS once a year in the tribes.

Discipleship Training School:
Although this DTS was intended for tribal communities, it has become a DTS recommended for any Filipino who can communicate in Tagalog. Five students from the tribes and two students from other communities recently graduated last October. The lecture phase is at our tribal base while the outreach this year served many tribal communities, including that of other YWAM frontier work as well as our prison ministry. This Tribal/Tagalog DTS is usually from May to October each year.
Student Sponsorship:

We are glad to have our first college graduate from our dump site community. Christian graduated BS in Criminology and just finished taking his Board Exam and PASSED! We have six college students, four from our tribal communities, staying in the house and fully supported by our program. We also support another ten students in the tribe but they do not stay with us.
Prison Ministry:
There are five national prison in Puerto Princesa City, all under Iwahig Prison systems. We regularly minister at the Iwahig Central, one Sunday a month and whenever we have visiting teams. Every time we visit, we provide every aspect of the Sunday service both at the church building, where inmates and employees worship together, then to one or two other higher security barracks. We are welcomed to minister at all five colonies but we don’t have enough manpower at the moment.
Opportunities for involvement:
- Visits us! This gives us a chance to mutually encourage and physically be there and pray with and for each other.
- Tell people about us! The more people know about us and the work we are doing, the more prayer support and partners we can get. So please tell your friends, church or relatives about us.
- Intercede for us. We need all the prayers we can get to continue to expand God’s kingdom here in Palawan.
- Support us Financially
Ways to Give:
1. Online – You may give here This allows you to specify the base and ministry or staff you would like to give to.
by Jonina Sharpe | Nov 12, 2015 | News, Updates
Baguio News
“Let the walls fall down” is definitely NOT the favorite theme at YWAM’s Baguio Training Center.
While removing wood paneling to do some electrical maintenance, staff members noticed what appeared to be a crack in one of the concrete beams that support the structure of the Training Center’s 60 year-old building. Curiosity and concern led the workers to uncover more… and more… and more. Most of the beams supporting the second floor had separated from the concrete columns, the result of outdated construction methods and a severe earthquake in 1990. Two engineers who are friends of YWAM paid a visit, and both said the same thing: The building needs to come down. The city engineer was kind enough not to condemn the building, but did offer the strong advice, “You should probably stop occupying the building as soon as possible.” She repeated the advice several times.
Although stepping out in faith and believing for a great project was not on the minds of the Training Center staff, God has put them in a place where they will need to do just that. Removal of interior walls and fixtures is being done, and work has begun on a full site development plan. Fund raising will begin when the concept plan is ready.
In the meantime, Baguio has a full year planned for 2016, and several new staff will be joining the team in the next couple of months. As one staff put it, “We’ve got a broken wing, but we’re still flying!” There is much to look forward to in Baguio during the next 12 months.
“Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.” – William Carey
Baguio Training Center Schedule:
January 11 to April 8, 2016 – Discipleship Training School – lecture
April 9 to June 11, 2016 – Discipleship Training School -field assignment
July 4 or 11 to September 30, 2016 – Discipleship Training School – lecture
October 1 to December 10, 2016 – Discipleship Training School – field assignment
October 10 to December 23, 2016 – Introduction to Primary Health Care – lecture (tentative)
**Look for an announcement regarding School of Biblical Studies and School of Worship in 2016
For more information visit
IPHC Outreach
This report is from the Baguio IPHC outreach. The school was led by Luz Catbagan, and had 6 students. They graduated in September.
The IPHC outreach was a dynamic time of reaching out to people of all ages. The team taught proper hand washing techniques to school-aged children, gave HIV/AIDS awareness presentations to young adults, and read older people’s blood pressure and vital signs. When they went door to door asking people if they wanted their blood pressure read, it literally opened the door for the team to share about Jesus Christ.
The team was able to bless one family, in particular. A blind couple who have ten children; the youngest being only one week old. Being blind, the couple didn’t realize how unkempt, or even how unsanitary, their one-room home was. The team cleaned and disinfected the home from top to bottom and taught the children how to maintain a tidy home. Additionally, the mother was not able to nurse the baby because her milk had yet to come in. The team prayed for her and, later that evening, her milk started to flow. The baby would now be able to flourish and thrive, which blessed both the parents and the IPHC team.
Two Cordilleran Women Responding to the Call
It is truly amazing and rewarding for us to see how two women from Northern Luzon, both recent DTS graduates, took the step of faith to serve God overseas. Mariele Daclili from Itogon, Benguet and Rebecca Hangdaan from Amganad, Ifugao are currently serving in Siem Reap, Cambodia where Roselet Aquino, Fhokie and Hya Masigman are also working.
Mariele Daclili who was from our September 2014 DTS went to Siem Reap to help teach English in a village called “Puok” in April of this year. With her was the January DTS outreach team which Rebecca Hangdaan was a part of. Mariele’s ministry includes, teaching the young people life skills training, leading Bible studies among the women and doing children’s ministry.
The January DTS outreach team was also assigned to another village called “Mo Meang” where there is no Christian church existing. The team was burdened and prayed for a church to start in that village. Little did we know, that God was speaking to Rebecca during those times of prayer. As days went by, the desire continued to come strongly and she finally decided to go back after her DTS graduation in May 30, 2015.
Rebecca flew to Siem Reap in July and has now started a fellowship on Sundays where 20 Khmer have already started attending. Praise the Lord! She is also working as the accountant at the YWAM base in Cambodia.
Please pray for wisdom, strength, provision and good health as these wonderful women of God serve our Khmer brethren in Siem Reap.
How to Get Involved:
1. Volunteer– You can come as a volunteer staff or a full time staff. We are also open to visiting outreach teams.
2. Pray– We believe and recognize in the power of prayer. We would appreciate it if you could cover us with your prayers.
3. Give
How to Give:
1. Online – You may give here This allows you to specify the base and ministry or staff you would like to give to.
by Jonina Sharpe | Nov 9, 2015 | News, Updates
Twenty years ago this month, outreach teams from YWAM Antipolo and YWAM Baguio arrived in Aparri to pioneer a new ministry location. The fruit of their effort? Churches planted on the island of Camiguin and the neighborhood of San Antonio, an ongoing student sponsorship ministry, six missionaries sent, and many young people finding their place in God’s kingdom, either in full-time ministry or in their profession, job or family. Although the base and team never grew very large, they left a significant footprint.
Aparri News
“Who would have ever imagined Ernesto’s daughter with a college degree?” the barangay (neighborhood) official commented, as he looked toward the small, dilapidated house where the recently graduated Education major lived. “YWAM has really made a difference in our neighborhood.”
“It’s God and our friends around the world who are making the difference,” I answered. “I’m just happy that YWAM can be a part of it.”
This was a typical response to the impact of YWAM Aparri’s Student Sponsorship Ministry. Aparri is a medium-sized town that hugs the northern seashore of Luzon island. Many of the residents squeeze out their living from fishing, and income is usually barely enough to get by. From November through February, rough weather prevents the boats from going out, so there is little or no income at all. There isn’t much hope of improving their situation, because opportunity just isn’t there. The aim of the Student Sponsorship Ministry (SSM) is to provide opportunity for children and youth to attend school, graduate, find gainful employment, and help their families out of impoverished situations.
59 students from the Aparri area have been assisted by Sponsorship, with 33 finishing high school. While twenty-three have earned college degrees.

Graduates are now elementary, high school and college teachers; shift supervisors at a large pharmacy chain; industrial computer programmers; retailers; and one is even pioneering a mission outreach school in Cambodia. If you ask the students their favorite Bible verse, almost all will give the same answer: “For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
How it Started
YWAM Aparri was pioneered when a YWAM team, together with short-term outreaches, began Bible studies with a group of young teens in the neighborhood.

Soon, the small homes they met in were packed, and parents suggested the group meet as a church. Since there was no home big enough, the new church body simply began meeting in the street. It was great because it was easy for neighbors to join in without entering a door – they just pretended to walk by, then paused to listen in. It wasn’t so great when it rained, because the entire congregation had to grab guitars, sound equipment, and chairs and run for cover – not even time for a closing prayer. The best part of it all: These new believers understood from the very beginning that the church is people, not a building.

At the same time, on Camiguin Island, two staff and a series of outreach teams partnered with an island couple to share the Gospel and plant a church. 54 new believers proclaimed their faith in the first baptism there.
Sponsorship of students in Aparri played an important role as well, giving indigent youth the opportunity to continue their education through college and find gainful employment or prepare themselves for missions and ministry. Several of the youth became primary breadwinners for their families, and five joined Youth With A Mission long-term.
YWAM Aparri has been in transition over the past two years, with John and Angie Parsons departing to lead the Baguio Training Center. Tom and Melba Antonio, from Camiguin Island, key people in the church planting work there, have recently moved to Aparri and will be taking leadership of the YWAM ministry there. Their hearts is to “regrow” the YWAM Aparri ministry with a broader focus on reaching college students and bringing short-term discipleship teams to the towns of the wider northern coastal area. A practical start of that will be the renovation of the YWAM property to accommodate students (possibly a discipleship dormitory) and visiting outreach teams. Look for exciting news to come!
Roselette Aquino, Siem Reap, Cambodia
“Through YWAM Aparri I was able to get to know God, have a burden for the lost through the Youth outreach every year, and have a burden to help those who are underprivileged to go to school through the Sponsorship Ministry in Aparri.”

Mildred Rescar Daniel, Bangalore, India
“YWAM Aparri has been such a great blessing in my life. They did not only share the gospel but they have walked along side me. Through YWAM Aparri I was able to find my security and purpose in God. YWAM Aparri is one of the best places to learn and be prepared for life. I will be forever grateful for all the people who served God in this base.”

How to Get Involved:
1. Volunteer– You can come as a volunteer staff or a full time staff. We are also open to visiting outreach teams.
2. Pray– We believe and recognize in the power of prayer. We would appreciate it if you could cover us with your prayers.
3. Give
How to Give:
1. Online – You may give here This allows you to specify the base and ministry or staff you would like to give to.
by Jonina Sharpe | Nov 6, 2015 | News, Updates
Ministry Highlights:
High School Ministry
- Every Tuesday 11am to 12 noon
- Iloilo National City High School, Grade 9
- Subject: Christian Value in using Destiny by Design
- Topics: Dreams, Experiences, Soul Print, Identity, Gifts, Networking
- Format: Small groups

We have been facilitating many KAIROS courses which helps us to mobilize and connect with many different churches and pastors. Last June, we officially joined the KAIROS PANAY team and underwent head facilitator training. Every 1st Wednesday of the month we host KAIROS PANAY meetings with the aim to invite more churches get involved in missions!

Every Saturday we have outreach in Iloilo city with our volunteers. This is an avenue for us to invite them to join our Youth Discipleship (TFG: Teens for God) on Sunday. The more we introduce Jesus to this young generation, the more we are encouraged by their responses. They are so serious to know God and their identity in Him. We believe that we disciple the hope of the future for Jesus!

New Ministry:
Campus Gathering
Every Thursday, we are so excited to meet the students from different universities (University of Iloilo, Central Philippines University, and TESDA). We meet at our base and call it “Campus gathering”. It seems like a mini DTS! We worship, pray, share ups and downs, teachings and sometimes have a workshop. After all this we have dinner and fellowship. This small number of students will be the 1st chapter of the book “Win the Campus, Win the Nation”.

Janice Maldevia (University of Iloilo 2nd year ) from Campus Gathering

“As a college student, I must stand firm on the word of God because this world is so wicked to deceive my life and to steal my dream. I really thank God for using YWAM Iloilo staff for teaching and encouraging my life purpose from God. Every Thursday lunch time I meet one of YWAM staff, her name is Andrea and my school mates at our school and we worship God and pray for each other and our school. I join YWAM Campus gathering after my class at the same date. Through this gathering I’ve learned a lot and tried to apply the teachings to my life to be a blessing to my classmates. Honestly, I had a lot of failures. During my 1st year, I failed seven subjects because I chose to follow earthly desires such as spending time at internet café instead of attending classes. Finally I failed and stopped going to school but the YWAM staff really prayed for me and encouraged me to restart again. God gave me one more chance and I restarted 1st year college and now I am already on my 2nd year. I know that there will be more challenges in my life but I can go through them with the help of this campus gathering. My Lord always helps me to make the right decisions! I tell myself, “Janice! Think wisely before making any decisions”!”
Angel Babes Polsario (Iloilo National City High School Grade 8 ) from TFG ministry

“Hi! My name is Angel, I am in grade 8. Through TFG discipleship and outreach, I have found my vision. Do you want to know it? I want to be a teacher missionary because I like to teach children and to travel to different places just like my YWAM teachers. I remember my first outreach to Barotac Viejo last July. At that time I introduced myself as “Ma’am Angel” to children and taught them Bible stories as well as helped them color. God bless you!”
Prayer points:
- Next DTS (July 2016)
- More staff (especially male staff)
- New building for lecture room and dormitory
- Unity, wisdom, integrity, intimacy with God and protection on all of us
- All ministries what God has been entrusted into us
How to get involved:
We are open to and welcome those who have a heart for discipleship and frontier missions to commit to our base as a staff or volunteer.
Facebook : YWAM ILOILO
Ways to Give:
1. Online – You may give here This allows you to specify the base and ministry or staff you would like to give to.
by Jonina Sharpe | Nov 6, 2015 | News, Updates
May-October 2015
Family Ministries has just concluded its Relationship Enrichment Workshop (REW) for the young leaders of Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro held on September 24-26, 2015. This is the first time one of our workshops was sponsored by a city government with the City Mayor gracing the event. This REW was originally proposed to be held on May 2015 but was cancelled because there were limitations with working with the local government. Last July, we were contacted again by the city government’s representative to push through with the workshop for September 2015. We are pleased to inform you that there are 17 graduates of the REW Calapan. There are also talks in the making to train these graduates to become facilitators of the REW.
Family Ministries has gotten invitation to present the REW to the students of YWAM Antipolo October 2015 DTS. This will be held on October 26-29, 2015. The classroom will have the workshop format. Each student will have their participant manuals and will join in the different activities involved in the workshop. Although often taught in Family Ministry Schools, this REW will be the first time it is incorporated in the DTS in the Philippines.
On October 30-November 1, 2015, 50 college students from Tondo will come up to YWAM Baguio Training Center to hold a retreat. The students will participate in the REW to further strengthen their relationships with others.
REW is a course for singles under the Relationship Enrichment by Applying Preventative Principles (REAPP) which is done in many parts of the world. Further, this is a credited Level I course of the University of the Nations (UoN). To know more, visit

This is an eight session course open for any couple who would like to invest in strengthening their relationship. Set in a romantic atmosphere and served with fantastic desserts for two, the couple joins others listening to Nicky and Sila Lee’s practical talk on relationships. There is no group work, hence all discussions are between the couples. This course will run in YWAM Baguio Training Center from October 7- December 2, 2015. There are 8 couples from different parts of Baguio participating in this course.

This is a course under the Relationship Central. To know more, visit
A new ministry that has been opened for Family Ministries is the Pre-Marriage Counselling (PMC) of the City Government of Baguio. After providing a proposal to the City Health Office, they welcomed us and said that for some time, they have been looking a faith based teaching for their PMC. They offered it first to a Catholic Parish Priest but was turned down. Just at the right timing, we came in and offered our services. We were given 2 slots per week to share about Communication and Conflict Resolution to couples who are applying for a marriage license. Family Ministries started the PMC last September 3, 2015. The average number of couples we were able to reach out to is 22 couples per week. Imagine reaching 2000-3000 people every year through this initiative. God is indeed good!
- More couples to be on staff for Family Ministries- there is a lot of harvest out there but we are just few at the moment.
- Transformed lives for the participants of the REW, TMC and PMC.
- More couples in YWAM with the heart for Family Ministries take advantage of the openings at their local governments.
- Wisdom as we prepare for the Family Ministries Asia Forum that will be held in the Philippines on June 2016.
- Open doors to introduce Marriage Week in the Philippines on February 2016.
- Pray- your prayers are very much appreciated. Your prayers protect us and the ministry against attacks of the enemy.
- Give- your financial support allows us to continue with the ministries we are presently doing. It also allows us to help out other workers in the field of family ministries around the country.
- Go- your presence as part of our team will enable us to fulfil our vision of strong families, transformed nations.
Family Ministries Philippines
Phone: 09178980025/09175850025 (Morten & Tiffany Olesen)
Bank Details: Bank of the Philippine Islands
Account name: Youth With A Mission
Account Number: 0561008876 (Checking)